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  • Who can become a member of the hub?
    Anyone who loves Yahweh, is a believer in Yeshua Ha Mashiach, wants to pursue the deep kingdom mysteries and chooses to walk and pursue relationship with other hub members.
  • What is a hub?
    A hub is a group of people who choose to come together for the purpose of engaging & pursuing the deep mysteries of Yahweh. They come together for legislating & governing; For pursuing relationship & fellowship; For creating & manifesting the Kingdom on Heaven on Earth.
  • Where are the hubs located?
    Hubs are located in Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and North America. For the full list, please see the drop down on the Home button or scroll down the main Home page. For a full search of where all the hubs are located. Please go to the global page and scroll down to the maps; enter the local region you want to search for.
  • Who is a hub facilitator?
    A hub facilitator is usually one who hosts the hubs as well but not always... Their role is to firstly start by engaging their new hub scroll for the hub they want to run and act as a beacon to draw others towards. They help with the smooth administration of the hub and connect with other hub facilitors in their nation. They also serve as the gatekeeper and channel through which information is shared from the national or global facilitators and filtered into their hub.
  • How can I become a hub facilitator?
    If you are interested in becoming a hub facilitator please contact your National Facilitator or Administrator or send an email to
  • How often do hubs meet?
    Local Hubs can meet as often as they are able to. We encourage quarterly regional hub meetings and annual National and Global Hub Intensives.
  • How can I connect with the global community?
    You will need to be logged into your nation's page. The Global link will be visible on the menu bar and can also be accessed on the dashboard.
  • Where can I find the schedule for our zoom meetings?
    Each nation has a button in the top right corner of their web page that says 'Schedule'. Click to access the livestream schedule. You can also access the global schedule by clicking on 'View Global Schedule' in the same box located on the global page.
  • How can I contact Ignite Hubs International?
    Please send an email to for all general enquiries.
  • How can I deactivate my hub account?
    Send an email to
  • What is I TEACH ONE?
    I TEACH ONE is the learning portal of Ignite Hubs International.
  • What is Kingdom Fundamentals?
    Kingdom Fundamentals is a year long subscription program delivered using easily digestible video lessons that cover all basics of engaging the Kingdom. To register for Kingdom Fundamentals, please visit this link -
  • Where can I listen to past recordings?
    In the library portal on I TEACH ONE.
  • What is the video Library?
    Every country has their own library portal on I TEACH ONE. Here you will find the past video recordings for all the national and global livestreams. Please visit your nation's dashboard to access your library. There is a monthly subscription to access this service with a cost of $5.00 per person or $7.00 per family.
  • How do I access my personal account?
    Enter your answer here
  • Where can I listen to past events?
    All our past events are available for purchase on I TEACH ONE. Simply log in to your account to see a list of teachings available or visit this link.
  • Where do I report any ITEACHONE queries?
    Please send any queries to:
  • How do I cancel my Library subscription
    Enter your answer here
  • What is the difference between Trading, Leverage & Terumah?"
    Listen to this short video by Ian Clayton of as he explains the differences. For more in-depth teaching, please visit I TEACH ONE to listen to teachings below: - Money Matters teaching by Grant Mahoney - Melchizedek's Chamber Part One - Melchizedek's Chamber Part Two
  • Where can I trade?
    By clicking on the TRADE button on your dashboard you will find a list of relevant trading details.
  • What is kidZhub?
    kidZhub is a parent and child(ren) community from all ages to 12 years where the children can learn and be taught about kingdom principles using the medium of art and creativity. Click here for MORE
  • How can I sign my kids up for kidZhub?
    Please send an email to or click on SIGN UP on the kidZhub page
  • Is there a fee for joining kidZhub?
    No, it's free to take part in kidZhub and join all the live online classes. But if you want to access any past recordings you will need to sign up for the kidZhub library which cost $5.00 per family.
  • Do you have any anything for young adults 13 and over?
    Yes there is the 12 to 19's hub. Please indicated your interest by clicking HERE
  • How much does the kidZhub library cost?
    It's a monthly cost of $5.99 per family
  • Where can I purchase kidZhub books?
    Please visit the kidZ Resources page
  • Where do I upload my children’s art work for the kidZhub books?
    You will need to be signed into kidZhub then select Upload Your kidZ Art.
  • How do I  cancel my KidZhub Library subscription
    Enter your answer here
  • What is Ignite Nations?
    Ignite Nations is the business Hub of Ignite Hubs International. Please visit the page for more information.
  • How can I join Ignite Nations?
    Please visit our Ignite Nations page for more details or by clicking here to apply to join.
  • What are the Ignite Nations Initiatives?
    The following initiatives are currently being developed with Ignite Nations: ENAB, The Wellness City and I.N.F.O For more information, please visit the Ignite Nations Initiative Page
  • Do I need to have a business to be a part of Ignite Nations?
    Enter your answer here
  • What is ENAB?
    ENAB - Acronym for Everyone Needs A Break ENAB was set up for the purpose of providing financial and non - financial support opportunities for those within our community.
  • How do I apply for ENAB?
    More information will be submitted
  • What is The Wellness City?
    What is The Wellness City? The Wellness City is a kingdom initiative to bring sons together for the purpose of occupying a space in the Wellness industry in order to release to humanity a corporate sound of wholeness, love, holistic wellbeing and life.
  • How do I find out more about The Wellness City?
    Please visit the The Wellness City page HERE
  • What is INFO?
    How do I find out more about INFO? I.N.F.O. - Ignite Nations Family Office - More information COMING SOON
  • How do I cancel my Ignite Nations subscription?
    Send an email to
  • Where do I sign up for events?
    Please visit the EVENTS page you will be able to see a list of all upcoming events. Please note that the Family Intensives are Ignite Hub Members events only but most of our other events are open to the public.
  • What are the Ignite Hubs Family Intensives about?
    National and Global Intensives are usually 3/4 day residential meetings for the purpose of building and strengthening relationships with the wider hub family; for coming together to release a unified sound and to engage the deep mysteries of Yahweh.
  • Who can attend the Intensives?
    Ignite Hubs Family Intensives are open to active hub members only.
  • What resources do you have available?
    We have a number of kids books written by Lindi Masters as well as Art Prints, Apparel, Books and more, that you can see by clicking *HERE*
  • Do you deliver internationally?
    Yes we do as some of our fulfilment houses are based in South Africa and USA.
  • How do I access Zoom?
    You can download zoom for free by going to
  • What is Zoom?
    Zoom is online video conferencing platform that we use to host most of our livestreams and online events.
  • What is the Ignite Hubs International Zoom Protocol?
    You can view the Zoom Protocol by clicking *HERE*
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